À propos de cette revue
Focus and Scope
The Indian Ocean World Centre Working Paper Series explores the past and contemporary history, geography, economy, environment and politics of the Indian Ocean World. We encourage contributors to adopt a transnational approach which scrutinises the links and interactions within the larger Indian Ocean World. However, we also welcome more focussed studies concentrating on specific events and areas in the Middle East, East Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, East and Southeast Asia.
Peer Review Process
The IOWC Working Paper Series is not peer-reviewed.
Publication Frequency
The series will publish a new paper on a bimonthly basis.
Open Access Policy
This working paper series provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Sources of Support
We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) funded by SSHRC.
Journal History
The Indian Ocean World Centre Working Paper Series was established in 2016.